ESIC Model Hospital, Alwar
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Name of the Department- Biochemistry


  1. About the Department- The Department of Biochemistry has 1 Demonstration rooms with well equipped with audio – visual aids. There is one practical lab for UG student with 36 lab seats. The Clinical Biochemistry Section of the Department has TRANSASIA XL 1000 & XL 640 Chemistry Analysers, AVL-900 BLOOD GAS Analyser and ROSCH e403 Immunoassay Analyser. Apart from routine Tests, Hormone assays, viz., Thyroid Profile, Reproductive Hormones, Vitamins (Vit.B12, Vit D, Folate) are done. Quality assurance programme is being maintained by Participating in EQAS (CMC Vellore). Lab is also registered in NABL Entry Level Programme. Besides Routine Biochemical investigations the Department manages 24-hour Emergency laboratory service.


  1. Details of Faculty & SR -


Name of Faculty



Dr. Abhay Nagdeote

Professor and HOD


Dr. Jai Prakash

Associate Professor


Dr. Neeraj Singh Songara

Assistant Professor


Dr. Poonam Yadav



Dr. Pragati Upadhayay


Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-10-22



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