ESIC Model Hospital, Alwar
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Name of the Department - Department of Transfusion Medicine (Blood Bank), ESIC MCH, Alwar


About the Department-  Department of Transfusion Medicine (Blood Bank), ESIC MCH, Alwar established in Oct.2021. Our moto is to provide adequate and timely supply of safe and quality blood, duly tested free from transfusion transmitted infection, in a timely manner to the right patient. We are gradually phasing out replacement donor and moving towards voluntary non-remunerated blood donation. We have striven hard to bring world class technologies to our institute for the operation of our blood transfusion services and ensured its functioning in an updated manner. Universal precautions are strictly adhered to, and the guidelines of Good Manufacturing Practices are followed in all the sections of blood banking.


 Currently available Services-    Pre-donation information


       Donor Recruitment


              Donor Screening for eligibility


                                                           Pre-donation counselling


Blood Collection & Post-Donation Care


          Serological testing


                  Compatibility testing for patient


          Blood Transfusion


          Post-transfusion patient care & follow-up



Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-10-22



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  • 3. In the "Ministry/Department" Drop Down Select ESIC
  • 4. In "Subordinate Department/Office" select the Regional Office
  • 5. Provide details of the complaint
